Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Burlington, NJ
1308 Mt Holly Road
9am Sunday School
10am Worship
What to expect when you worship with us:
Our street address is 1308 Mt. Holly Road, but access to our parking lot is on Springside-Rancocas Road.
There is a short flight of stairs leading from our entrance lobby to the sanctuary. An elevator is available.
Rest rooms and nursery are on the main floor to the right of the entrance and are handicap accessible.
Sunday School
Children's Sunday School at Holy Trinity uses the Bold Transformational Faith program produced jointly by Cross Road Camp and Retreat Center & Luther Crest Bible Camp. The interactive weekly lessons follow the ELCA lectionary readings. Sunday School begins at 9AM and dismisses in time for worship attendance at 10AM. Parents are always welcome to participate in class with their children, but are not required.
Sunday School @9:00am
Nursery care is offered for children younger than 4.
Elementary Sunday School Teachers:
Laura Poethke
Danielle Ercolani
Middle School & High School
Bonnie Mazza
Nursery Teacher & helper:
Karin Schmalz & Kaylyn Hargrave
We are making a difference!
Thank you to all members and friends who helped our Sunday School collect "pop tops" during the past year. We continue to collect and deliver all of the aluminum tabs to the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey. RMH uses the proceeds to keep the housing cost for families super affordable. This project is ongoing, so keep up the good work and donate the tabs from beverage and soup cans!