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Each month the Social Ministry Committee collects food donations to be given to people in need. Non-perishable food items such as tuna fish, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, rice, peanut butter, jelly and cereal are needed. The food may be brought in at any time and left in the shopping cart near the stairs going to the church. The items will be picked up at the end of the month. Thank you for your support. We are so grateful to ShopRite for giving us this cart for our food collection.Personal items for New Visions In Camden. In addition to providing breakfast and lunch New Visions offers showers to those who want them. Personal hygiene items are needed for this. Tooth brushes and toothpaste ,washcloths soap and shampoo are all needed. We have placed a basket for these items near the the stairs going to the church. Sometimes these items are readily available for those staying in hotels while on vacation.



Senior Care and Assisted Living Guide:




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