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What does it take to be a greeter? A sunny smile, warm handshake, and heartfelt "welcome"! We are looking for people who fit that bill. If you are interested and would like to volunteer please contact Peggy Bowers. You can sign up for the month or for certain weeks. Thank you! 

Communion Assistant

Communion Assistants help serve the Lord’s Supper, usually by distributing the wine while Pastor gives the wafers of bread. Communion assistants say “The blood of Christ shed for you,” while members of the assembly receive the wine.

Altar Guild

Volunteering to assist the altar guild means helping to make sure our worship space is dressed and prepared for Sunday mornings. Sometimes this includes changing the color of the cloths on the altar, and altar guild assistants also prepare the materials used for Holy Communion


Ushers hand out bulletins as people enter the sanctuary so that they can follow along with the service, help with collecting the offering, and guide the assembly forward for Holy Communion.


We have an active youth group that meets throughout the year to play games, discuss faith, and explore how to share God’s love with the world.


Vacation Bible School is a summer children’s event full of fun and spiritual development.

Fundraising Committee

In charge of planning events and individual fundraisers, when needed, to help fund the church’s general account or a specific cause. Meetings are as needed after services. Please contact Nicole Rodig for more information.

Worship and Music Committee

The worship and music committee helps guide the worship life of the congregation by reviewing things like how we decorate our sacred space, when special services will take place, how music guides our worship life, and more. This committee meets once monthly.

Social Ministry Committee

The social ministry committee meets once a month to help guide the ways our congregation reaches out to the community—feeding the hungry, clothing those who do not have enough, collecting school supplies for students, sending gifts and cards to members of the military serving overseas, and more.

Hospitality Committee

The hospitality committee provides a warm welcome to all who visit Holy Trinity. They set up the social coffee hour that takes place after our worship services.

Property Committee

Our building is an asset that makes much of our ministry and worship life possible. The property committee helps care for it by managing things like lawn mowing and snow removal, maintenance issues like leaks and cracks, and even changing lightbulbs.

Stewardship Committee

The stewardship committee encourages the congregation to generosity of time, talents, and treasures and communicates our collective gratitude for the blessings we receive and offer.

Endowment Committee

The endowment committee helps manage Holy Trinity’s financial assets so that we can share the gospel in Burlington and surrounding communities for many years to come.

Team of Lectors:

All team members are notified of dates to be filled for the new season. You can opt out of or opt into any dates that suit your schedule. All readings for upcoming dates are sent to the team before each new    season begins, and hard copies are posted in the Narthex.  Lectors have ample time to review their readings and get pronunciations of unfamiliar names, etc. (from Pastor Haab, me or Google!). Contact Judy at or text 609-975-3344 for more information.


Interested in joining a team?

Thanks! Message sent.

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